
2006 Jury Chair
Robert Ménard, born July 6, 1953 in Oran, is a French journalist, essayist, editor and politician. A founder of the Paris-based international non-governmental organisation Reporters Without Borders.
"Haiti: sun city"Laurent Van Der Stockt - Premiere of the exhibition
"For committed photography"Exhibition created with the exceptional assistance of the BNF – Alain Mingam, exhibition organiser
War correspondents, from 1944 to the present day”This exhibition, presented by the ECPAD (Etablissement de Communication and Production Audiovisuelle de la Défense), has been specially prepared for the Bayeux-Calvados Award and will be on show at the recently revamped Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum. It will form a link with the Reporters' Memorial which will be near the Museum. Around ten separate panels will pay tribute to a whole generation of exceptional men who risked their lives to be witnesses to the major conflicts of the 20th century. Each panel will be devoted to a period or to a man who has set a particular stamp on his time. Among them are some of the great names of photography or the audiovisual world, such as Kowal or Pierre Schoendorffer.At the Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum
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2006 Results
Written Press
Jon STEPHENSON – METRO (New Zealand) “War zone: a reporter tells – IRAQ“
Jaafar ASHTIYEH – AFP “Repeated violence between Palestinians and Israelis – West Bank“
Neil CONNERY – ITN-ITV NEWS “Evictions in Zimbabwe“
Alex LAST – BBC NEWS “Hostages in the Niger Delta – NIGERIA“
Ouest-France-Jean Marin Prize
Javier ESPINOSA – EL MUNDO “Suicide terrorists“ – IRAQ
General Public Prize
Tomas VAN HOUTRYVE – FREELANCE “Rebellion in Nepal“
Secondary School Students’ Prize
Jeff KOINANGE – CNN “The song of raped women“ – DR DU CONGO