Dancing Arabs
7 octobre 2015Schedule,Events,Program,PBC2015
"Dancing Arabs"
Iyad grew up in an Arab city in Israel. In 16 years, he went to a prestigious Jewish boarding school in Jerusalem. He is the first and only Arabic boy to be accepted. It is gradually accepted by his mates, but only has one true friend, Yonatan, a boy suffering from a hereditary disease. Iyad is close to Yonatan's family, bringing courage and strength to his mother Edna.
By Eran Riklis.
Mon fils Bande-annonce par toutlecine
Cinéma le Méliès
Tarif unique : 6€
“Eyes That Burn” (“Les Yeux brûlés”)
6 octobre 2015Schedule,Events,Program,PBC2015
A young woman goes to Roissy Airport to collect a military chest which is being returned to her. It contains the personal effects and photographs of Jean Péraud, a photojournalist who was killed at Diên Biên Phu on 8 May 1954. Before long, a discussion begins between the young woman and the former journalist colleagues of Péraud who are there too. Out of the memories and stories prompted by the young woman’s presence, the ever-pertinent questions emerge: What constitutes an image of war? Is the photojournalist a witness or a participant? Is he protecting himself from the effects of war by filming it, or on the contrary, does he take even more risks in order to bear witness? Can we use the word ‘art’ about such images taken in the face of death?
With Mireille Perrier and the participation of Raoul Coutard, Marc Flament, Pierre Schoendoerffer and Raymond Depardon.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with Laurent Roth, the director.
Directed by Laurent Roth.
First released in 1986, the film has recently been digitally restored.
Le Méliés Cinema
Flat rate admission: 6€
Duration: 58 minutes
Screening and debate at Caen University
6 octobre 2015Program,PBC2015,Events
Mardi 6 octobre - 20h30 - Amphi Daure Grafitti Baladi Depuis la "Révolution du Nil" de janvier 2011, le graffiti, qui est après tout une voie de l'éducation populaire, s'est très fortement développé, devenant l'expression même du mécontentement, de la revendication et de la colère. Il offre une vraie narration sur fond politique. Il retrace les différents événements qui ont marqué la révolution et se dresse contre les mensonges des médias. De retour en France, les deux jeunes réalisatrices sont heureuses de pouvoir porter la voix de ceux qui ont choisi l'engagement et non la passivité, et de rendre hommage aux personnes qui ont laissé leur vie au nom de la liberté, ceux dont le visage apparait maintenant sur les murs du Caire. Un film de Leslie Villiaume, Lisa Klemenz, 2013 - France - 52 minutes - Vidéo HD Projection suivie d’une rencontre avec Leslie Villiaume et Elsa Barbeau Bredillot ainsi que les membres du collectif Dysturb dans le cadre Prix Bayeux-Calvados des correspondants de guerre avec le soutien de l’Université et de la Région Basse-Normandie A noter : Happening et rencontre sur le campus avec Collectif Dysturb à 17h00 + d’infos : facebook.com/Dysturb Tarifs habituels de l’amphi et gratuité pour les porteurs de la Cart@too en allant sur cart@too.region-basse-normandie.fr, rubrique « bons plans »
Exhibition of the work selected for the 2015 award
19 août 2015Program,PBC2015,Exhibitions
Presenting the 55 reports in the competition :
Radio, Photo, Written Press, Television, grand format Television, Young Reporter, Web Journalism.
Office de Tourisme
Pont Saint Jean
9.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 6pm
Admission free
Somewhere in France
19 juillet 2015Program,PBC2015,Exhibitions
Summer 1944 by John G. Morris – Contact Press Images
A photographic record of day-to-day life in the summer of 1944, during the arduous liberation of France.
John G. Morris, picture editor for Life magazine in 1944, arrived in France seven weeks after D-Day, in the middle of the Battle of Normandy. He had come to give help and support to the correspondents of his weekly magazine – figures such as the legendary Robert Capa – in producing their reports. Armed with a Rolleiflex and about fifteen rolls of black and white film, he went around capturing things he observed here and there during the summer of 1944. These were not combat photographs, and they remained at the bottom of a drawer for decades since John G. Morris did not consider himself to be a professional photographer. Robert Pledge of Contact Press Images eventually persuaded him to publish these forgotten images together with the letters John had sent to his wife in the United States during this period spent in France.
copyright John Morris / Contact Press Images
Memorial Museum of the Battle of Normandy
Open daily 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm-6pm
Admission from € 5,50 to € 7
Multimedia Journalism Workshop 2015
8 juillet 2015Program,PBC2015,Others
The NOOR-Nikon Multimedia Journalism Workshop is open to young and aspiring documentary photographers and filmmakers, including those intending to work in conflict zones and photographers interested in learning how to apply their still photography skills to filmmaking and multimedia.
Workshop: 7–10 October 2015
Date limite d’inscription: Sunday, 16 August 2015
Notification de sélection: Tuesday 1 September 2015
During the intensive three-day workshop, ten selected participants, together with NOOR photographers Sebastiàn Liste and Andrea Bruce will share experiences and expertise on how to pick up, develop, and produce stories covering conflict and human rights issues for multimedia productions. Subjects covered will include: preproduction, research, logistics, access, safety, equipment for filmmaking and sound, camera movement, lighting, audio, interviewing, filming techniques, and shooting for editing.
Drawing from their own experiences, Sebastiàn and Andrea will discuss the motivations, challenges, and possibilities of integrating still photography and video into visual storytelling methods. This workshop will be a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge and contacts in an intimate and interactive environment, while learning how to produce impactful multimedia.
Sebastiàn Liste(Spain) is a documentary photographer devoted to covering contemporary issues and profound cultural changes in Latin America and the Mediterranean regions. He specializes in long-term, in-depth projects, like “Urban Quilombo”, documenting extreme living conditions faced by dozens of families in an abandoned chocolate factory in Brazil. Through visual journalism he aims to generate dialogue and collaboration between subjects and audiences, bringing different worldviews into confrontation with each other.
Andrea Bruce (USA) is a documentary photographer who brings attention to people living in the aftermath of war. She concentrates on the social issues that are sometimes ignored and often ignited in war's wake. The past ten years she chronicled the world's most troubled areas, focusing on Iraq and Afghanistan. Andrea started working in Iraq in 2003, following the intricacies and obstacles of the conflict experienced by Iraqis and the US military. For eight years she worked as a staff photographer for The Washington Post and later as part of the VII Network (2010-2011). Her awards include top honors from the White House News Photographers Association (where she has been named Photographer of the Year four times), several awards from the International Pictures of the Year contest, and the prestigious John Faber Award from the Overseas Press Club in New York.
Organized with the generous support of Nikon France.
Exhibition of a fresco paying tribute to the victims of the 7 January attack
19 juin 2015Program,PBC2015,Exhibitions
In partnership with the Mémorial de Caen and Les Rencontres du dessin de presse.
40 cartoonists from all over the world will create a fresco during Les Rencontres du dessin de presse (Cartoonists’ Forum) held on 11, 12 and 13 September, as a tribute to the victims of the 7 January attack. The fresco will be exhibited at Bayeux during the week.
MAHB - Musée d’Art et d’Histoire Baron Gérard, 37 rue du Bienvenu
Open daily 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm-6pm
Admission free
“Shoot the War” - Takes on war by Iraqis
19 mai 2015Program,PBC2015,Exhibitions
Conceived and supervised by Katia Jarjoura
In a period when Iraq is waging a deadly war against Islamic State and is once again in danger of descending into sectarian conflict, a new generation of film directors is starting to emerge.
After bearing the brunt of the American invasion and its disastrous aftermath – violence between religious groups, car bombs, kidnappings and the emergence of fanaticism – these young film-makers use the camera to communicate the volatile nature of everyday life in Iraq.
Katia Jarjoura, a Lebanese-Canadian film director who knows Iraq well, has set up an intensive short films workshop for young Iraqi film-makers in order to encourage and support the re-appearance of film-making in this region torn apart by conflict.
Copyright : Katia Jarjoura
Seconde Vague Production – Arte
With support from the Baghdad International Film Festival (BIFF) and Iraq Association for Cinema and Cultural Development (IACCD)
Hôtel du Doyen – rue Lambert-Forestier – Free entrance
Open everyday from 5 to 11 October
From 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Exhibition ‘Ukraine – from West to East’
19 mars 2015Program,PBC2015,Exhibitions
Guillaume Herbaut, Jean-Philippe Stassen, Vadimsky
Over a period of three weeks, from 23 February to 15 March 2015, photographer Guillaume Herbaut and cartoonist and comic strip author Jean-Philippe Stassen, with the help of Vadimsky and his camera, travelled across Ukraine from West to East. Their daily accounts of the journey through this war-torn country take the form of a chronicle.
In partnership with Le Monde, la Revue Dessinée and Futuropolis
Copyright : Guillaume Herbaut / Institute
Le Radar – 24, rue des cuisiniers
Open from Tuesdays to Sundays from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., open exceptionally on Monday 5th October from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Saturday 10th October from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Free entrance
19 février 2015Program,PBC2015,Exhibitions
By Moises Saman / Magnum Photos
With the partnership of the Warm Foundation , the exhibition was shown in Sarajevo last june for the second edition of the Warm Festival.
DISCORDIA documents photographer Moises Saman’s personal journey as a witness to the Arab Spring. This body of work takes the viewer on a four-year voyage through Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria as these states drift from revolutionary throes to violent fallouts. This project chronicles the indelible transformation of the region in this momentous period in Arab history.
Moises Saman is an American/Spanish documentary photographer and a member of Magnum Photos. His work has focused on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and more recently the turmoil of the Arab Spring. Moises was one of the first photographers to reach northern Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, and one of the few journalists inside Baghdad during the initial “Shock and Awe” bombing campaign in 2003 against the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. His body of work from Iraq and Afghanistan has received numerous international awards. In 2011, Moises relocated to Cairo, Egypt, where he was based for three years while covering the Arab Spring for The New York Times and The New Yorker. His ongoing book project 'Discordia' documents the tumultuous transitions that have taken place in the region. The work featured in 'Discordia' has received numerous awards, including the Eugene Smith Memorial Fund (2014), the Henri Nannen Preis (2014), the World Press Photo (2014), and Pictures of the Year International (2012, 2014). In 2015 Moises received a Guggenheim Fellowship to continue his work in the region.
Copyright : Moises Saman / Magnum Photos
Tapisserie de Bayeux - La Chapelle
From 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Open exceptionally Friday, 9thOctober until 7 p.m. and Saturday, 10thOctober from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Free entrance
From Mossoul to Rakka
10 janvier 2015Program,PBC2015,Exhibitions
percussions and battles surrounding the self-proclaimed Caliphate of the Islamic State.
In June 2014 the jihadist movement captured the Iraqi city of Mosul. Having taken advantage of the chaos reigning in Syria to seize control of the land, resources and population of the eastern part of the country, it continued to extend its zone of influence southwards, until in May of this year it entered the city of Ramadi, about 100km from Baghdad.
As a result of their savage repression of a Sunni opposition which they had already succeeded in radicalising, and in the absence of any attempt to stop them on the part of the international community, the Syrian and Iraqi governments managed to create ideal conditions for the expansion of Islamic State.
The photographs exhibited here show the victims, the displaced, and the settings for the horrific repression carried out by Islamic State jihadists, as well as the various groups fighting against them – Kurdish fighters from Iraq and Turkey, Shiite militiamen and soldiers of the Iraqi Army.
Copyright: Ayman Oghanna
Outside in Bayeux :
The exhibition circuit is set out in detail in a document available at the tourist office and in public buildings.