The Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for war correspondents offers a specific program to students all over the country

Ever since 1996, a specific schedule, aimed towards students, has been set in place thanks to a partnerhsip between the Calvados Departement, the Region of Normandy, the Ministry of Education and the CLEMI. In between activities within the schools, different highlights ponctuate the week of the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award.

HCR - Ouest-France Encounters


For the 32nd edition, the HCR – the United Nations Agency for refugees – and Ouest-France newspaper are offering an exceptional educational event for middle and high school students in Normandy: “the HCR-Ouest-France Encounters”. Partners of the Bayeux Award, the HCR and Ouest-France will be addressing school students and inviting them to meet refugees who will talk about their experiences of exile and the importance of international protection for those fleeing from war and persecution. In this age of instantaneous information, the HCR and Ouest-France aim to give young people a different understanding of the position of refugees in France and around the world.
This free meeting took place on Thursday, October 9, 2025, at the Prix Bayeux Pavilion, from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm (reception from 1.00 pm), and will combine meetings, screenings, discussions. Reservation is required (subject to availability). Transport costs remain the responsibility of the establishments.

Registrations for the HCR - Ouest-France Meetings are not oppened and will be in May 2025 (online).

Activities for middle school students

Inter'Act Tour 2019 © Département du Calvados

Inter’Act Tour: 9th edition

With the HCR, United Nations Refugee Agency

The France’s Calvados Department, the City of Bayeux and the HCR, United Nations Refugee Agency, are organizing an awareness action in four colleges of Calvados, from 6 to 10 October.

The idea? Raise students’ awareness of refugees’ situation in France and across the world.
Goals ? Develop the gaze on refugee status and discover dishes from elsewhere.

Over four days, four institutions will host the device.

  • Monday, October 6, 2025: Collège
  • Tuesday, October 7, 2025: Collège
  • Thursday, October 9, 2025: Collège
  • Friday, October 10, 2025: Collège

Between awareness and gastronomy, the day will have different highlights for middle school students:

• In the morning, students will meet refugees and UNHCR teams. They will discuss the situation of refugees in France and across the world thanks to refugees’ testimonies, Q&A and educational games. At the same time, a refugee chef will prepare a traditional meal from his country, in collaboration with the school catering teams.
• At noon, students will taste the dishes prepared by the guest chef and the school catering teams.
• In the afternoon, students will participate in workshops with musicians, journalists or athletes who have taken refuge in France, who will introduce them to their profession or their passion. At the same time, activities such as a photo exhibition or a virtual reality tour of a refugee camp will be offered to students.

Gaze into the mind of 15 year olds: national measures dedicated to secondary school students

Among a collection of photographs carefully chosen by the AFP (Agence France-Presse), each depicting currents affairs over the last 12 months, students vote/are voting for the picture that comes closer to representing our world today. This activity takes place within the schools, at the beginning of the school year. Thanks to an online platform, secondary school students from all over the country can vote online, giving to this project a true perspective !

Visit the official website for “Gaze into the mind of 15 year olds”

Displaced Palestinian children stand in front of makeshift tents at a camp beside a street in Rafah on March 14, 2024, amid ongoing battles between Israel and the Hamas. © AFP - Mohammed ABED

AFP Meetings, Tuesday October 7, 2025

The Department of Calvados, the City of Bayeux and the Agence France-Presse are offering, on Tuesday, October 7, three meeting sessions with an AFP photographer who will discuss his profession and its constraints with students.

The results of the operation Gaze into the mind of 15 year olds will be unveiled on this day.


The Calvados Department, co-organiser of the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for War Correspondents invites Calvados’ secondary school students to the screening of a film linked/representing/depicting to current affairs.

This year, the movie students will discover is not known yet.

The City of Bayeux and the Department of Calvados are joining forces with the Magnum Photos agency to offer workshops to four Calvados colleges.

From October 6 to 10 (except Wednesday), colleges will welcome the Magnum Photos agency team to their premises. One class per college will be affected.

The objective: to publish a magazine with the students.

Activities for high school students









Calvados, Manche, Orne, Seine Maritime and Eure




high school students

The Normandy Region Award for high school students and trainees

On Monday October 6th 2025, first day of the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for War Correpondents, high school students all over Normandy view the official report selection for the category television. Together, they watch 10 short films, lasting from 2 to 7 minutes. Each report talks about a situation of conflict -and its consequences on the civilian population- or the fight for liberty and democracy. Following the screening, each student vote for the report of his/her choosing. This is the perfect occasion for students, trainees and professors all over Normandy to take an interest on current affairs in the presence of international war correspondents who come specifically to meet and discuss with them.

This system now includes the possibility of remote participation, inaugurated during the 2020 edition.

Citizen of the World

A few hours after the poll, the CLEMI encourages the students to put their feeling/thoughts into words- like real journalists do and together, they create the newspaper Citizen of the World. This activity aims to stimulate their thoughts on the reports broadcasted in order for them to better understand and express their point of view in the form of articles or poems. Later on, Citizen of the World is given to the guests and the public during the official Award Ceremony on Saturday October 11th as well as all the participating schools.

The Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award Classes: total immersion

Five schools from Normandy are invited to bring one of their classes – selected according to their motivation and projects – to live the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for War Correspondents from within. During 3 days, the students, in total immersion, attend the different conferences held by international war reporters, view exhibitions and participate in the official closing ceremony. At the initiative of the Region of Normandy and the CLEMI since 2008, theses classes enable the students to experience the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award in a totally different way.

High school reporters

Accompanied by a journalist from Ouest-France and by teachers, a dozen high school students from the Prix Bayeux classes become budding reporters for three days. Like professional journalists, they cover the event, write their articles and take their photos. This work is published in the Norman editions of Ouest-France.


In order to extend the media education actions offered during the Bayeux Award week, residencies have been organized throughout the year in Normandy high schools, in partnership with the Normandy Region, the Rectorat of Normandy, the DRAAF and the City of Bayeux.

Workshops, screenings, discussions… The interventions, thoughts and co-constructed by the teaching teams in conjunction with the participating journalists, allow students to become more familiar with the challenges of the profession of journalists, the construction, processing and circulation of the information. At the end of this exceptional educational event, high school students and apprentices report on their experience through a media production.

Each year, numerous schools all over the Region partake in the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for War Correspondents by the means of different measures but also by receiving, within their walls, reporters who come to join and exchange with the young generation. More and more schools all over the country organize, of their own initiative, visits to Bayeux in order to experience the various activities and exhibitions.
The Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for War Correspondents is ground for thoughts and remain as such, an unparalleled educational tool.

Contact for Student program
Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award
for War Correspondents

Claire Beauruel
06 70 01 56 48


« Travailler sur le reportage de guerre : des pistes pour la classe »
© Service Éducation aux médias – Rectorat Caen


Amnesty International, partner of the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Awar for War Correspondents, offers many educational resources on its website.


The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), partner of the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Awar for War Correspondents, offers many educational resources on its website.


This year, Hamy Ramezan’s Any Day Now will be screened in four screenings on Monday October 4 and Tuesday October 5.

Fondation Hirondelle is a Swiss non-profit organization that provides information to populations facing crises, to enable them to take action in their daily life and as citizens. She has developed the program “Journalism in 300 questions” which, thanks to numerous interviews with reporters, provides a better understanding of the profession of war journalist and its challenges.


ToxicAffair is based on the Amnesty International Chronicle’s investigative work into Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons in Iraq and how Western powers with impunity provided this dictatorial regime.

