This day of documentary screenings is organised with the support of :
Directed by Oksana Karpovych
The images show Ukrainians trying to live despite the invasion of their country.
In the sound, intercepted conversations of Russian soldiers confiding in their families.
Intercepted superimposes the world of the destroyer and the destroyed to reveal the terrible reality of this war.
‘At the start of the full-scale invasion, I became executive producer for journalists at Al Jazeera English. I had not planned to do this job, but in the face of horror, it kept me going with a precise and useful mission. I found myself in the middle of the invasion, documenting it. I visit many combat zones and see the reality of war. With my colleagues, we were one of the first press teams to penetrate and discover the horrors of Bucha.
I soon discovered that the Ukrainian intelligence services had intercepted and made public telephone conversations between Russian occupiers and their relatives in Russia. I began to listen to these conversations in the evenings, at the end of my working days. The discrepancy between the brutal reality I experience during the day and what I hear at night is like an electric shock. In the intercepts, the Russians look human. Why do they commit such inhuman acts?
This is the question that led me to the film: through cinema, I am beginning to tell the collective story of the invasion, while trying to decipher the thoughts of this ‘other’ who is invading my daily life and making it chaotic. Here in Ukraine, the Ukrainian people refer to the Russian occupiers as ‘orcs’ or ‘zombies’, because they see their actions as aggressive and amoral. Yet the intercepted conversations show the extent to which the soldiers are normal people, terribly human, but capable of atrocious acts. For me, this is the hardest reality to accept. ’ Oksana Karpovych
Place Gauquelin Despallières
Duration : 1 h 33
Free admission

October 13 2024