SUNDAY 9 OCTOBER – 10.45 am
An original BrutX documentary
Directed by Charles Villa
“They stay when I leave. In this documentary I’m going to tell you their story.”
Charles’s work often involves travelling to different countries, some of them highly dangerous. Once there, he needs a fixer. The fixer is the person who will be his escort in the country, who knows the terrain, the codes, the issues. He may also work as his interpreter, and may even provide accommodation. Without fixers he wouldn’t be able to do anything in the field. They remain in the shadows but are crucial in the making of documentaries. And by working with Charles, they are often taking enormous risks.
This documentary looks at the complex lives of fixers. Some of them are in danger because of their profession, especially when faced with authoritarian governments or threatening groups. Over the space of a year Charles returned to each of the 5 countries where he had gone to make documentaries (with the exception of Afghanistan) in order to collect the stories of a total of 7 fixers (of whom 3 in Ukraine).
The screening will be followed by an exchange with Charles Villa, director
Place Gauquelin Despallières
Duration : 1 h 10
Free admission

October 9 2022