Congo Lucha – PREMIERE
© Esprit libre production
Sunday 13 October – 4.15 pm
Congo Lucha – PREMIERE
A film directed Marlène Rabaud
Image : Marlène Rabaud
Montage : Joao Nunes, Fatima Bianchi, Marlène Rabaud
Production : Esprit Libre Production – Co-production : Tita Productions and RTBF
With BBC and the support of Belgian Development Cooperation
LUCHA is a citizens’ movement of young Congolese who are putting their lives at risk to strive through non-violent action for a vision – one of a democratic country, at peace and with its rich resources shared more equitably. Documentary maker Marlène Rabaud spent two years filming in Goma in the east of the country. She offers us a vibrant tribute to their courage and determination in the face of every difficulty and in spite of the opposition of President Kabila to any democatic processes.
The projection will be followed by an exchange with Marlene Rabaud
Duration: 61 minutes
Place Gauquelin-Despallières
Free admission
This day of documentary screenings is organized with the support of Procirep

October 13 2019