Children of the Enemy
SUNDAY 9 OCTOBER – 2.15 pm
Children of the Enemy
Directed by Gorki Glaser-Müller
Patricio Galvez’ daughter married one of Sweden’s most notorious ISIS terrorists. In 2014, they join the fight for a caliphate in Syria. Both are killed in its collapse in 2019, but their seven young children survive and are interned in the notorious al-Hol prison camp as “Children of the Enemy”. When the Swedish authorities show little interest in freeing them, Patricio starts a one man campaign to save their lives and bring them home.
“Children of the enemy tells the story of how Patricio Galvez sets out to save his grandchildren, struggling with adversity every step along the way. However, on a larger scale, his fight is a story about what being human means today. The world is polarized, more extreme. In today’s political climate, these children are not seen as innocent Swedish children. On social media they are referred to as “children of ISIS” or even “terrorist children”. This lack of civilization drove me into making this film. It reminded me of the old Greek tales from the Iliad where the fate of the defeated is shared by their children. Beyond the news value of Patricio’s great deed, there is a universal story of David against Goliath, of the little man against a system that does not want to help the children of the enemy. But at its deepest level this is a story about the loss of a child, the greatest pain for a parent. When his daughter Amanda dies, Patricio makes a pledge to save his grandchildren. No matter the risks. At that point, the story about the children of war turns into one about children of love.”
Gorki Glaser-Müller
Place Gauquelin Despallières
Duration : 1 h 20
Free admission
October 9 2022