Media Forum
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Privileged exchanges with the public
lively forums by Vincent Nguyen
> Espace St-Patrice
10 h 15 - Benjamin FISHER
11 h - Kamal REDOUANI
Inside Daech
11 h 45 - Olivier Weber
14 h - Emma-Jane Kirby
L'opticien de Lampedusa
14 h 45 - Frédéric TISSOT
L'homme debout
15 h 30 - Claude GUIBAL
16 h 15 - Jean-Claude GUILLEBAUD
Le Tourment de la guerre
Les participants au Forum médias seront également présents au Salon du livre[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container][fusion_builder_container background_color="" background_image="" background_parallax="none" enable_mobile="no" parallax_speed="0.3" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" video_url="" video_aspect_ratio="16:9" video_webm="" video_mp4="" video_ogv="" video_preview_image="" overlay_color="" overlay_opacity="0.5" video_mute="yes" video_loop="yes" fade="no" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding_top="20" padding_bottom="20" padding_left="" padding_right="" hundred_percent="no" equal_height_columns="no" hide_on_mobile="no" menu_anchor="" class="" id=""][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_4" last="no" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""][fusion_text][su_lightbox type="image" src=""]
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Sunday Screenings
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People’s Choice Award
On Saturday October 8th, the public will select its prize-winner in the photo category.
9.00 am: Looking back at the 2015 People’s Choice Award attributed to the American journalist Heidi Levine for her report “la guerre et la guérison à Gaza”.
The media processing of crises allows to draw attention to the public on the dramas that are the result of underdevelopment and the tensions that come along with it.
Convinced that the work of reporters is as imperative as field actions during times of crises, Oliver Ray, director of the “prevention of crises and end of conflicts” program of the AFD and Charles Enderlin suggest taking the time to exchange with the public of that subject.
This exchange will be followed by the 2016 People’s Choice Award sponsored by the AFD for the fourth year running.
Crédit photo : ©Virginie Meigné
1, rue de la Bretagne
Booking required starting Monday September 12th.
Limited seats available.
Tél. : 0 825 014 400
The African Great Lakes
In the wake of the Rwandan genocide, the turmoil which shakes the Great Lakes region of Africa involves 9 countries.
This war that has been going on for over 18 years is the result of various factors: the weakness of the Congo State, the Army of Rwanda, old colonial frontiers, poverty lead by ethnic tensions, natural resources, overpopulation of the Great Lake region, the militarization of the informal economy, the world’s demand for natural resources, the instability in Burundi and the helplessness of the United Nation.
The toll is heavy: in twenty year, 6 million people are dead, some 4 millions have fled their countries, refugee camps are saturated and hundreds of thousands are now impoverished. The populations do not succumb to the bombs. They die of diseases and hunger. Rapes and destruction of social fabrics have become the new weapons of war.
Violence is now monetized.
How do we explain the mutism of the international community? How come a toll of 6 million dead does not cause a collective outrage? How come current affairs deliberately omit this tragedy that is happening right under our noses when international correspondent relentlessly work to shed the light on this catastrophe?
Followed by a reception prepared and animated by Eric Valmir (France Inter), Jean-Philippe Rémy (Le Monde) and Justine Brabant..
Crédit photo : Phil Moore
Pavillon Prix-Bayeux-Calvados
Place Gauquelin-Despallières
Doors open at 8 pm
Free Admission
Conference with Reporters without borders
« La Turquie, une guerre qui ne dit pas son nom »
The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is taking his country down an authoritarian spiral and seems committed to a war against journalists. Hundreds of journalists have been sent to court for “insulting the president” or “terrorism”. Self-regulation is advancing as authorities are suspending the access to various websites and have even forbidden a number of subjects. The Syrian conflict and the fight against rebels from the PKK are making the government more paranoid when it comes to the media. Turkey is now ranked 151 th on the World Press Freedom Index according to Reporters Without Borders. Participants : Erol Önderoglu (member of Reports Without Borders. Liberated this past June from a Turkish prison), Chris Huby (photojournalist and documentary film maker banned from entering Turkey), Guillaume Perrier (ex correspondent in Istanbul for le Monde from 2004 to 2014), Christophe Deloire and Johann Bihr (managers of the European section of Reporter Without Borders).
Participants :
Chris Huby (photographe, documentariste)
Guillaume Perrier (journaliste reporter, ancien correspondant du Monde à Istanbul (2014-2014)
Erol Önderoglu (représentant de RSF en Turquie).
Crédit photo : Reuters/Murad Seezer ©
Espace Saint-Patrice
Rue du marché
Entrée libre
Le Bourbier
Investigation on the Daesh coalition
A film by Laurent Richard
Production: Premières Lignes in association with Canal+
Original 90 minutes documentary shot in Iraq, Europe and the United States that reveals the failures of the war against Daesh and how a coalition of 60 international countries lead by the United States has yet to defeat the jihadists group of 30.000 men.
Journalist Laurent Richard has gathered a great number of testimonies and goes behind the scenes of underground military operations lead by the CIA in Iraq and Syria.
Some of the witnesses affirm that the White House was backing their operations and have now been “abandoned” by American advisers. Some even decided to switch camps and are now fighting the Bachar Al Assad government with the Islamic State.
This investigation that lasted a year, reveals the hidden agendas of the allied coalition that has been caught up in this war since 2011.
Six years later, the number of people killed in Syria now amounts to more than 300.000. The government of Bachar that keeps on bombing and torturing its population, is said to be responsible for 80% of those deaths.
Crédit photo : DR
Duration 90 min
Jim: The James Foley Story
On Thanksgiving Day 2012, American photojournalist James "Jim" Foley was kidnapped in Syria, two years before the infamous video of his public execution introduced much of the world to ISIS.
JIM: THE JAMES FOLEY STORY, directed by close childhood friend Brian Oakes, tells the story of Jim’s life through intimate interviews with his family, friends and fellow journalists - while former hostages reveal never-before-heard details of his captivity with a chilling intimacy that reveals their courageous untold story of perseverance.
Made with unparalleled access (including footage Foley shot himself), and using carefully rendered recreations, Oakes takes viewers deep into the darkness and valor of Jim's captivity. What emerges is a powerful chronicle of bravery, compassion and pain at the dawn of America's war with ISIS.
The documentary will be followed by an exchange animated by Claude Guibal
Doors open at 8 pm - Free Admission
Pavillon Prix Bayeux-Calvados - Place Gauquelin-Despallières
Duration : 113 min
Credits : Kunhardt Films, Marigold Pictures en association avec HBO Documentary Films.
Reporter’s Memorial
Unveiling of the Stele for the year 2014-2015
Reporter’s Memorial Tenth anniversary
Ten years ago, the Reporter’s Memorial was inaugurated in Bayeux. Upon the unveiling of the 2015 stele, Reporters Without Borders will gather families and loved ones of the journalists killed on the job in the last ten years.
In 2015, 110 journalists have perished because of their profession or in dubious circumstances. Reporters Without Borders assures that of those 110, 67 have been killed for the sole reason of being journalists. In total, 787 journalists have been killed on the job since 2005. To that number, 27 netizens and 7 media associates can be added. This worrisome situation can be explained by the peak of violence against journalists in the last decade. They are now deliberately targeted and all the efforts put toward their safety have failed so far.
« It is imperative to set up a concrete mechanism for the application of the international law for the protection of journalists », declares Christophe Deloire, General Secretary of Reporters Without Borders. « Today, violent non-state actors have targeted journalists while numerous states do not respect their obligations. More than 800 reporters have been killed in the last ten years. Their death must be met with reactions that match the urgency of the situation. A special representative for the protection of journalists with the United Nation Secretary must be immediately appointed. »
La liberté d’expression et d’information reste la première des libertés et est le fondement de toute démocratie. Reporters sans frontières est la plus vaste organisation internationale de la liberté de la presse, entendue comme droit humain fondamental d’informer et d’être informé.
Mémorial des reporters
Boulevard Fabian Ware
Direct access from rue de Verdun
Free admission
Crédit Photo : © Pauline MAGDELEINAT
Le Siège
2016 Fipa d’Or award winning documentary takes you deep into the daily life of sarajevan populations. A tale of horrors mixed with the urgency to live.
Sarajevo lived through the longest siege in modern history. “The Siege” is a film about those who lived through it, about the human experience of the besieged. Through Sarajevo to beyond, it is the story of a surrounded city, of a battle and resistance. It is also the universal story of civilization facing the worst ordeal of its existence, and the struggle for its survival. Sarajevo resisted and survived. “The Siege” describes a vertiginous descent into war.
Documentary written by Rémy Ourdan.
Directed by Rémy Ourdan and Patrick Chauvel.
The film will be followed by a discussion with directors Rémy Ourdan and Patrick Chauvel, Jean-Claude Guillebaud and Stanko Vasic who testified in the documentary.
Crédit photo : © Ron Haviv- VII
Halle aux Grains
66, rue Saint-Jean
Free Admission – limited seats available
Duration : 90 min
Production : Blanche Guichou / AGAT Films & Cie
Coproduction with ARTE, Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, Pro Ba (Bosnie)
À peine j’ouvre les yeux
A tribute to liberty and youth in Tunisia.
Tunis, summer 2010, a couple of months before the Revolution, 18 years old Farah takes her SATs. Her family can already see her as a doctor, but they don’t see eye to eye. She’s a singer in a rock band. She quivers, intoxicated by life, falls in love and discovers her city by night against the will of her mother, Hayet, who knows Tunisia all too well.
Directed by Leyla Bouzid
Duration : 102 min
Cinéma le Méliès 6.50€
Le Ciel Attendra
Le Ciel Attendra
17 years old Sonia, has almost done the unthinkable in order to “grant” her family a spot in Heaven.
16 years old Melanie lives with her mother. She likes school and her friends; she plays the cello and wants to change the world. She falls in love with “a prince” that she met on the internet. They could be named Anaïs, Manon, Leïla or Clara, and just like them, discover the path towards indoctrination. Could they come back from it?
With Sandrine Bonnaire, Noémie Merlant, Clotilde Courau, Naomi Amarger.
Directed by Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar.
Duration : 105 min
Cinéma le Méliès 6.50€
Introduction of the 2016 selected reports
[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][fusion_text]
Unveiling of the 55 competing reports:
Radio, photo, print, television, grand format television, young reporter (photo) and web journalism.
Espace Saint-Patrice
Rue du marché
Monday through Friday and Sunday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 2 pm to 6 pm.
Saturday 9.30 am to 6 pm.
Free admission[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"][fusion_code]
Photographers on the Front Line
Duration: 52 minutes
This film charts the story of the creation of the French Army Photographic Section, set up in 1915. It brings to life some of the pioneers of war photography, and features historians and leading war photographers of today talking about the photographs.
Photographers: Patrick Chauvel, Marie Dorigny, Eric Bouvet, Baptiste Giroudon, Alain Mingam, Samuel Bollendorff.
A film by Aurine Cremieu.
A Camera Lucida/ECPAD/Histoire co-production with the participation of TV5 Monde and France Télévisions
© Ecpad- Agence d'Images de la Défense
Halle aux Grains - 66 rue St Jean
Under the skin - A journey into savagery
Robel, Germay, Filmon and Halefom have survived the Sinaï torture camps. Through their words, in the intimacy of their rooms, the film draws their long trip through barbarism, an experience that has left traces on each of the boys' skin. From Stockholm to Cairo, wherever they found shelter, every survivor experiences a nightmarish mental exile that "Under the skin / A journey into savagery" tries to retrace, carefully.
A film by Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget.
Followed by a discussion with Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget.
Duration : 62'
Halle aux Grains - 66 rue St Jean
The fight for Yemen
In September 2014, after 4 days of fighting, Houthi rebels took control of Sana’a, the capital of Yemen. A few days later, Safa Al Ahmad, a BBC journalist, managed to enter Yemen. She is the only journalist to have filmed for a western television station, a considerable feat in a country cut off from the world for several months. The film is an outstanding document, the result of a highly risky journey which begins in Saada, the province of the Houthis in the north of the country. It was from here that the Houthis began their conquest of Yemen, a country divided into tribal zones, some of which are loyal to the arch-enemies of the Houthis – Al Qaeda.
Directed by Safa Al Ahmad
Durection: 45 minutes
A BBC production. Broadcast by Special Investigation Canal +
Halle aux Grains - 66 rue St Jean