Because of its history of more than a century and its values of commitment, it is in Nikon’s DNA to support photojournalism by being a partner of the Prix Bayeux.
Following the success of the first edition of the Nikon Encounters in 2021, the brand is repeating its initiative in 2022: on Friday, October 7, the public will be able to exchange with great names in photojournalism during exceptional Masterclass, testimonies and portfolio readings.
In addition, Nikon offers to pay for 12 participants for the training “REPORT IN DANGEROUS ZONES” of the Manoir created by France Médias Monde. In association with INA (the French national audiovisual archive) and with the support of Reporters without borders, the Manoir has already trained more than 360 reporters and information technicians and collaborates with many media. The training provided by the Manoir is now recognised as the reference standard in its field. While it is obvious that research and information-sharing are essential, the safety of journalists on assignment has to be both the primary concern and the starting point in the editorial process.
Because the journalist is the principal player in his or her own safety, the Manoir provides specific training and methodologies given by journalists to journalists, and brings in leading experts in the fields of health, emergency rescue and psychology.
By partnering with the Manoir, Nikon wants to support talented young photojournalists in the exercise of their profession by giving them the best possible training.
To apply, candidates must send their entry, including a CV, a motivation letter and one or more productions of a photo report produced in dangerous zones, to the address securite.academie@francemm.com before August 30, 2022.