The Bayeux Calvados-Normandy award for war correspondents rewards reports about a conflict situation or its impact on civilians, or news stories involving the defence of freedom and democracy.
The report must have been made between 1 June 2019 and 31 May 2020. A €7,000 prize is awarded in each category.
The reports must be submitted to the following address by June 15th 2020: info@prixbayeux.org with a link to download the entry
The categories of media represented are: radio – photography – television (short and long formats) – written press and the young reporter prize (photo this year)
Seven prizes awarded by the international jury
- Written Press Prize sponsored by the Calvados Department – €7,000
- Television Prize sponsored by Amnesty International- €7,000
- Radio Prize sponsored by the D-Day Landing Committee – €7,000
- Photo Prize sponsored by Nikon – €7,000
- Grand format Television Prize sponsored by the town of Bayeux – €7,000
- Young reporter Prize sponsored by Crédit Agricole Normandie – €3,000
- Video image prize sponsored by Arte, France 24 and France Télévisions – €3,000
Three special prizes
- The Ouest-France – Jean Marin Prize (written press) – €4,000
- The Public Prize (photo) sponsored by the Agence Française de Développement – €3,000
- The Normandy Region secondary School Students’ Prize (television) – €3,000
• The Young Reporter’s Award: in 2020: the category is photo. Since there is a different category according to the years, the presented story must have been realized between 1 June 2018 and 31 May 2020.
• Written press category: the application must be made up of an article or a series of 1 to 5 articles on the same subject.
• Television category: the length of the report must be between 1 minute 30 seconds and 6 minutes. The report submitted must be identical to the broadcast piece.
• Grand format television category: the length of the report must be between 6 and 30 minutes. The report submitted must be identical to the broadcast piece.
• Radio category: the length of the report must be between 1 minute and 6 minutes. The report submitted must be identical to the broadcast piece.
• Photo category: The application comprises a report made up of 8 to 15 photos.