In the framework of the Bayeux award for war correspondents, Nikon will be organising a workshop for talented young photojournalists, as it has done each year since 2013.This year, Nikon is joining forces with the Manoir Centre, which was set up in 2014 by France Médias Monde to provide training for journalists working in dangerous zones. In association with INA (the French national audiovisual archive) and with the support of Reporters Without Borders, the Manoir will soon have trained almost 300 journalists from a variety of backgrounds. The training course was designed for journalists working for France Médias Monde, but is open to all media and is training journalists from Le Monde newspaper, Arte, Canal + and the French public television channels, among others. The training provided by the Manoir is now recognised as the reference standard in its field.
While it is obvious that research and information-sharing are essential, the safety of journalists on assignment has to be both the primary concern and the starting point in the editorial process. Because the journalist is the principal player in his or her own safety, the Manoir provides specific training and methodologies given by journalists to journalists, and brings in leading experts in the fields of health, emergency rescue and psychology. The effects of weapons, the dangers of mines and orientation skills are also taught by expert practitioners who are experienced in training news professionals.
By the end of the training course, the journalist situated in a danger zone is able to assess risks more accurately, to understand critical situations and to react more adroitly to accidents in the field.
With over a century of existence and by virtue of its values and commitment, supporting photojournalists is part of Nikon’s DNA. In partnership with the Manoir, Nikon wants to support talented young photojournalists in the exercise of their profession by giving them the best possible training.