A Burundian refugee is pictured as others wash clothes near a river on the edge of the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania on March 26, 2016. According to UNHCR, Nyarugusu is "one of the largest and most overcrowded refugee camps in the world", currently hosting over 140,000 refugees but built to accommodate only 50,000. The camp has a resident population of around 60,000 Congolese refugees, with an influx of around 78,000 Burundian refugees since last year.

In the wake of the Rwandan genocide, the turmoil which shakes the Great Lakes region of Africa involves 9 countries.

This war that has been going on for over 18 years is the result of various factors: the weakness of the Congo State, the Army of Rwanda, old colonial frontiers, poverty lead by ethnic tensions, natural resources, overpopulation of the Great Lake region, the militarization of the informal economy, the world’s demand for natural resources, the instability in Burundi and the helplessness of the United Nation.

The toll is heavy: in twenty year, 6 million people are dead, some 4 millions have fled their countries, refugee camps are saturated and hundreds of thousands are now impoverished. The populations do not succumb to the bombs. They die of diseases and hunger. Rapes and destruction of social fabrics have become the new weapons of war.

Violence is now monetized.

How do we explain the mutism of the international community? How come a toll of 6 million dead does not cause a collective outrage? How come current affairs deliberately omit this tragedy that is happening right under our noses when international correspondent relentlessly work to shed the light on this catastrophe?

Followed by a reception prepared and animated by Eric Valmir (France Inter), Jean-Philippe Rémy (Le Monde) and Justine Brabant..

Crédit photo : Phil Moore


Pavillon Prix-Bayeux-Calvados
Place Gauquelin-Despallières
Doors open at 8 pm
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